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Re: Bridging the gulf.......

To: "Mark Milotay" <>, "Ross Vincenti" <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Bridging the gulf.......
From: "Dean C. Paige" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 13:44:57 -0800
A hearty second to the sentiments fopr not splitting the Triumphs list. In
addition to the information value of the lists I am always awed by its
entertainment value. And although I don't own a Spit or GT now I never say
never. Let us stand united against a call for division.


> From: Mark Milotay <>
> To: Ross Vincenti <>;
> Subject: Re: Bridging the gulf.......
> Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 1:25 PM
> Exactly. Question to the spit owners on the list. How many of you have
> stayed subscribed to the Triumph list in addition to the Spit list? All
> you present, please put up your hands. :) Even though such questions as
> correct colour for the hood stick on a 74 TR6 is not a relevant topic for
> the day-to-day running of my Spit, I like you guys & I enjoy learning
> all Triumphs.
> At 11:43 AM 31/03/98 -0800, Ross Vincenti wrote:
> >
> >     Scions, Mates, et al....
> >     
> >     It's a quiet day at the office (even thought it is month end) and I

> >     have been reading quite a bit of e-mail.  One of the wonderful
> >     about this list is the amazing diversity of participants.  This
> >     "beah" thing is fascinating, as are the discussions of various
> >     brews available across the pond and unavailable to us Yanks. (sigh)
> >     
> >     By God, do we really want to split the list up by model any more
> >     it already is?  Think of the cultural lessons we'd all miss out on?
> >     (Well, okay, only those of us who drop off the general list and
> >     only to the weird, wacky Spit list).  Cheers, and have a cold one
> >     me, will ya?
> >     
> >     Ross D. Vincenti
> >     64 Spitfire 4
> >     64 Porsche 356C Coupe
> >

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