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More TR6 electrical questions

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: More TR6 electrical questions
From: "Mark S. Lepore, MD" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 10:55:01 -0500
Organization: CHMC
References: <>
Hi listers:
Two questions about things which developed over the weekend in my '71 TR6:
1) Horn only works when key is out of ignition.  When key is in ignition, or car
is on, the horn won't work.  I traced the wiring from the horn-push to the horn,
everything looks ok.  I have not checked the ignition switch yet.  Any

2) I bought a new hazard switch.  I connected up the circuit, and I get an
intermittent rhythmic buzzing sound from the relay, but no flashing lights.  
is up from this?

Any help would be useful.  Thanks for all the previous help.

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