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To: triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: 3 GREAT CARS
From: "Byron N. Brashears" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 18:58:53 -0800
Cc: Donna <>, Mabel Stiles <>, ROBIN STILES <>, spitlist <>, Ron Hayner <hayner@WLV.IIPO.GTEGSC.COM>, Dean Palmer <dpalmer@CCGATE.HAC.COM>, Dawn Perkin <>, coventry_crier <>, "" <>
I got the new clutch in the red car, and test drove it,  runs great. I
have been driving my 76 TR7 Coupe, (E ticket) but I love the TR7
Convertibles. I just drove to the store for Fosters and salad. Parked
the red one and gazed at the cars lined up in garage. Three great works
of art, life does not get any better. God Bless The Queen.

1 76 TR7 Coupe
2 79 TR7 Convertibles

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