> To your question, he recomends an industrial core which provides about 37%
> more cooling capacity and increases flow rate over the original cores. It is a
> Modine No. 12031PL and has a common name in the business as "the L core." Bob
> In a message dated 98-03-28 20:00:58 EST, writes:
> my car is with the electric fan, no crank hole in this thing. Last
> question does anyone have the stock number of the Bob Schaller recomended
> radiator from "MOLINE" TIA "FT"
It's worth emphasizing that the manufacturer of the radiator core is
"Modine." I think they are located in Racine, WI, and probably will not
deal with individuals, but the required core could probably be purchased
through a local radiator shop. In fact, Modine makes radiators for just
about everything, as do most of the large manufacturers. Virtually all
our buses use Modine radiators, to our specification, but they seem to
build anything and everything--one of their customer service clerks got
a number transposed when we asked for blueprints, and we were sent
prints for the radiator on a John Deere tractor.... Looked a little on
the tall side to fit in the GT6, so I didn't keep them. <g>
My other Triumph runs, but....