On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, ArthurK101 wrote:
> In a message dated 98-03-27 14:46:45 EST, Alan.Eyes writes:
> > I just read your article on commission numbers etc. and I wondered if
> > you know what the number on the front cross member is? I pulled out
> > the engine from my TR4 and there is a plate with I believe it is a C-1
> > on it. Any ideas?
> Alan, I THINK it might the part number. My factory work shop manual
> shows a "cross member" at the very front. This member goes across the
> frame and the bottom of the radiator rests in it. I'm sending this to
> the "triumphs list" for a sanity check.
> Anyone (maybe with a parts manual - mine is not with me) know for sure?
> Thanks. Cheers.
Just happen to have mine right here by my Mac...
The cross-member Arthur described is "Cross-member, radiator protection",
part number 208639. It is bolted onto the very front of the chassis,
isn't a structural part of the chassis, and doesn't really support the
radiator. It's just meant to protect the bottom of the radiator from
damage. Occasionally it even succeeds at doing that...
It sounds to me like the cross-member Alan uncovered when he pulled his
engine is the actual front cross-member of the chassis. It is welded
between the side rails just below the suspension towers, and is very
definitely a structural member. The factory Spare Parts Catalogue doesn't
list it as a separate part, so presumably you couldn't order it by itself.
The part numbers for the bare chassis are as follows:
304856 Through commission number CT4387 (disc wheels) and CT4689 (wire
305719 From CT4388 (disc wheels) and CT4690 (wire wheels) through
305984 From CT20064 through CT23382 (LHD) and CT20265 (RHD).
306502 From CT23383 through end of TR4 production.
I don't see a part number "C-1" or anything close in the "Chassis Frame"
section of the catalogue, nor is it in the numerical listing at the front
of the catalogue.
Chip Old 1948 M.G. TC TC6710 NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland 1962 Triumph TR4 CT3154LO