Barry Schwartz wrote:
> Dave,
> I had the same problem-was relieved, not happy though, to see it's a fairly
> common problem with GT6's and not just my car!! When adjusted to the
> factory spec of 4 deg ATDC (and a non functioning vacuum adv/retard, they
> don't call it retard for nothing :-}) timed to get by the smog check, this
> car would puke anti-freeze all over the place at idle, and run damn near
> the red mark in slow traffic. Always made me real nervous every time I had
> to go through this for fear of getting the thing too hot and doing some
> damage. Naturally, my check would come in the middle of summer!! Thank
> god (actually SB42)I don't have to go through that BS any more! Back at
> the bat-cave I would reinstall the rebuilt dist with working vacuum advance
> and reset the timing to 12 deg before (the old run until it pings, then
> back off. This is where mine likes it). Much more power, and no more
> overheating. Still, it will run a little warmer in stop and go traffic,
> but no where near what it does set to factory specs -
Barry, are you telling me that the vacuum advance is _supposed_
to be non functional??? And I thought mine was busted <grin>.
Seriously, that's how I set my timing, adjust until it pings,
then back off. Tried to set it using a timing light once and
it would barely run. Like I said, as long as the car is moving,
cooling is no problem, so a fan that comes on when I'm stuck in
traffic seems worth looking into. Somebody suggested using
Subaru fans and the two speed VW unit might also work. My
Vanagon has a two stage thermo switch that might be adapted
if I can find a place to mount it.