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Re: Chrome

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Chrome
From: Bill Kelly <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:09:53 -0500
Hmmmm, there seems to be some disagreement here. Not meaning to be
argumentative (well, actually, yes I am - it was a bad week at work...),
but here goes.

First of all, I have successfully removed overspray from both chrome and
stainless steel using a soft rag damp with gasoline. I advise against
smoking while you are doing this, don't leave the damp rag where it
might encounter a spark or an open flame, don't throw it in a heap when
you're done, etc. But honestly, it _does_ work. The other solvents
mentioned (acetone, laquer thinner, paint thinner, turpentine, whatever)
will also work to varying degrees. I've generally found paint thinner,
the least volatile of the bunch, to be rather ineffective at removing
dried paint...

As for steel wool, IT'S ABRASIVE!!! A number of respondents have
mentioned '000' and '0000'. Obviously, those are the best choices among
the steel wool grades. But if steel wool were not abrasive on chrome, if
it didn't scratch and remove chrome plating, why not use '0', or '2'?
It's the same stuff. The scratches with '0000' are extremely fine and
even, and your chrome will look really good once you scrub all the gunk

But there'll be less chrome than there was before you started.

Go ahead. Flame me.

Bill Kelly

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