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RE: separate list

To: "'Triumphs'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: separate list
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:36:59 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Mark - Is there a basis for your thoughts on splittingout the Spits &
GT6?   I realize that they are of a different breed than some of the
other TR's.  I also realize that the number of posts to "triumphs" is
getting to the point where there are two issues of the digest on most
days.    Will the separation split the number of posts to a more
manageable  quantity/size?   Also, (and you may have mentioned this)
will it be available in digest mode for those that might have a passing
interest in these models?

On a different topic; are the archive files available on
I went looking for them a couple weeks ago and couldn't find recent


Carl F. Musson
TS25264L - borrowing the engine/tranny from
        [and like a dummy I didn't check the condition of the rear
seal...  drip drip drip splatter...]
TS81802LO - body off restoration in progress...
Tampa, Florida (USA)
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