Tom, i have done this myself with no problems.... but i would think
twice about using the windsheild wipers and the horn and the radio and
the....... all at once.
as long as the car is generating more amps than the total draw, the
battery will be being charged, albeit at a slower rate.
if you have to drive the car the whole way with the lights on, then
perhaps you should bring the cables with you as a precaution, but i
think you'll be fine.
good luck!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linda Long (IM) []
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 1998 7:18 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: dead battery
> Dear list:
> This evening I went out to prep my TR6 to drive to work tomorrow.
> Well,
> the battery is dead (no surprise), but so is my trickle charger. I'll
> have to drive 25 miles to work at 55 mph before sunrise. I plan to
> jump
> the battery here at the house and can get a jump at the other end
> before
> coming home.
> My question is: Will I experience any problems driving with my lights
> on with a battery that isn't charged up? My guess is no but I'd hate
> to be wrong and then have to call my wife at 5:30am and have her come
> rescue me.
> bye for now
> Tom Long
> Blacksburg, Virginia