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Re: Kango Reflex

To: <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, <>
Subject: Re: Kango Reflex
From: "Dean C. Paige" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 08:15:30 -0800
The Kangols were original equipment and are no longer available. I wouldn't
take the chance of using the originals after 20 + years. The inertial and
rewind mechanisms are most assuredly beyond their useful life let alone the
strapping. Several bolt in replacements are available. The one I'm most
familiar with is Securon. Available I believe from TRF and others.


> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Kango Reflex
> Date: Tuesday, March 24, 1998 6:13 AM
>      Latest project: Making sure when I get killed in a crash, my body 
>      stays strapped to the seat. Yes, I'm trying to make the seatbelts 
>      functional. 
>      The problem is that they won't retract much, just a bit. I took the 
>      side covers off and amused myself with that darn clever inertia 
>      system. Pretty cool and simple. Back to the subject: The spring that

>      does the recoil seems to have lost it's oomph. What are my options? 
>      Find junkyard springs that still have their oomph? Can I find new 
>      springs to replace them?
>      Last, the brand name on the seatbelt is Kango Reflex. Is this OEM or

>      after-market? I don't want to kill myself trying to find "original" 
>      after-market replacements.
>      Thanks dudes (and dudettes),
>      Jeff 
>      '73 TR6 in Mass.

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