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Power steering in a TR6?

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Power steering in a TR6?
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 98 12:09:33 +1100
     Has anyone seen power steering in a TR5 or 6?
     With all the talk about "I would love to buy a TR6 but" 
     and John MacCarthey's Life at Triumph stories ( see ),
     about "the Service Department at Western Avenue (Park Royal) was  
     always willing and able to do 'specials' of that sort. Western Avenue 
     was something of a law unto itself in that regard";
     I guess anything was possible!
     How about an automatic TR6?
     Peter H
     73/74 (not quite sure now!!)TR6 13471U originally with overriders
     T12154CF on the unpainted bulkhead tag - what does it mean?
     13123CF on the painted bulkhead tag - what does it mean?  

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