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Re: SB 42

To: "Shane F. Ingate" <>
Subject: Re: SB 42
From: "Dean C. Paige" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 15:08:27 -0800
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Six years and three smog checks. Real incentive to keep the classics
running in top form before it doesn't matter. In spite of all of its
problems the smog check program at least applied a great deal of pressure
to make repairs and adjustments in a timely manner. I know that personally
when smog time came around I was often forced to make repairs I might have
put off to the detriment of the machine. I'm more responsible now that the
TR is running so well, wouldn't like to back slide ya know.

Ta, ever so;


> From: Shane F. Ingate <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: SB 42
> Date: Friday, March 20, 1998 2:56 PM
> Dean C. Paige wrote:
>       > As I understand the situation you're only out of luck 
>       > temporarily. Isn't there a provision in the law that 
>       > begins to incorporate all cars over 25
>       > years old into the program at some specified time in the future?
> The provision for SB42 exempts cars that are OLDER than 30 years,
> but does not come ino effect until 2004.  Further, the this is
> a "rolling" provision, which means 1974 cars become exempt from
> biannual smog testing in 2004, 1975 cars will be exempt in 2005,
> 1980 cars in 2010, etc.  Pity our poor TR7/8 and late-model Spitfire
> Brothers!
> So yes, you are right, we are out of luck "temporarily", but 2004 is
> still 6 years away!
>       Shane Ingate in San Diego

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