At 12:54 15/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I have received the new rocker shaft and am about to assemble the rocker
>assembly. I was wondering whether it might not be a good idea to enlarge
>the oil feed holes so as to supply a litle more oil to the rockers. The
>hole is aproximately 1/16" in dia. now, and I was thinking of enlarging
>it to 3/32". Would this help to get a liitle more oil to the rockers
>without adding an external oil feed kit?
I'd be worried that such a mod might lower your oil pressure. Maybe it
wouldn't be by much, but I'd be inclined to uprate the relief spring in your
oil pump (in the TR7, this takes you from 60 PSI to 80 PSI), at the same
time. In fact, the oil pressure upgrade alone should improve lubrication of
the rockers.
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia