I run about 10.5/1 on my 4A with big stainless valves and hardened seats, 87mm
Pertronix Ignitor and an old Lucas sport coil. The head had been milled about
.90" per
Kastner's street recomendation.
I use Sunoco 94 Ultra (or Amoco 93) with the 104+ Octane booster. She runs
great. No
pings. Tolulene and xylene is the main ingredient of most of these over the
octane boosters. I guess it would be cheaper to buy in bulk and mix your own.
considering adding a little racing fuel and seeing how far I can push the
advance before
it pings... BTW, for some reason the 104+ turns the plugs yellow.
Have fun!
Christopher M.Lillja
Marketing Associate
Princeton University Press
Tel:609 258 4900
Fax:609 258 6305