Pottery kilns use a very simple system for a timer. You place a 'cone'
(usually made of glass) into a mechanism; when the glass melts it throws a
switch and the kiln shuts down.
For powder coating I htink it would be more like baking cookies. Remove
when they start to smoke ;-)
You can also build a kiln out of a metal garbage can. A 4" hole is cut at
the base. The inside is lined with fire-brick (insulating stuff, buy at
ceramic store). A tiger torch is stuffed into the hole at the bottom.
You can also buy shelves and risers from a ceramics store.
Tiger torches are used in roll-on roofing. They are the same works as a
normal propane torch but have a 3" orifice... and sound like a jet engine
when you're using it. Not a good idea if you have crabby neighbors...