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Re: Spitfire Hard Top Parts Availability

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Spitfire Hard Top Parts Availability
From: Barry Schwartz <>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 06:53:58 -0800
>The sales girl at Kippings mentioned that there is one 
>person in England that is handling all of the rubber seal 
>remanufacturing.  She said he is quite good at it.  I for one if 
>thrilled that all of these parts are becoming available again.  At 
>least I know the money I've so far invested in my hardtop is not 
>going to go to waste.
Now if he would just start re-manufacturing the rubber seals for the GT6
front wing windows, I would be a happy camper!!!  I've been looking for
these since I restored the car seven years ago - What's left of the
originals (still in the car) whistle at speed and I have to leave them
cracked open slightly to prevent that annoying whistle -

Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

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