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RE: TR-6 harmonic balancer

To: "John Haynes" <>
Subject: RE: TR-6 harmonic balancer
From: "Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 20:34:48 -0500
Cc: "Gernot Vonhoegen" <>, "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
I'm in the process, slowly, of rebuilding my TR6 engine. I called a machine 
shop about balancing and while we were talking I asked him about chips in 
the harmonic balancer. I got a Jim Varney "eeuuhh! Can you get a new 
one?". So I'm guessing it's pretty important.

On 03/02/98 05:39 PM John Haynes said...
>At 04:33 PM 3/2/98 -0000, Gernot Vonhoegen wrote:
>>> ----------
>>> From:       Chris Rodgers[]
>>> Reply To:   Chris Rodgers
>>> Sent:       Friday, February 27, 1998 8:57 PM
>>> To:         Janssen, Lee K
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject:    Re: TR-6 harmonic balancer
>>      <<I'm pretty sure the harmonic balancer doubles as the front
>>pulley.  Look
>>> at your old one and note the ring of rubber insulation that holds the
>>> inner and outer ring together.
>>> I *think* I'm right.....the same is true on 2.5 saloon engines...
>>> Chris>>
>>      It does indeed.
>>      Gernot
>>   Hello All
>         While we are on this subject, how important are chips on the pulley
>in  interfering with the ballance of the crank.
>  Sam Haynes

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