What year is your TR6? I will try and answer each question incerted
after your posted question.
John Duhart wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm having a bit of a problem in the fuel pump area of my TR6, I installed
>the spin-on oil filter, the Tach cable, and the clutch slave cylinder this
>weekend. There is just no room for anything! Worse is that I went trough my
>picture album, and I only have two shots of this area, and neither are
>close-ups or well lit, so I can't see much. Here are my problems.
> 1) The oil filter, which is pointing straight down, rides up against the
>slave cylinder! I not sure I'm going to be able to get the hose to connect
>to the slave cylinder.
answer: I had to position mine at about 45 degrees facing foreward to
get the
clearance. This will not effect the filter's performance with
the oil flow.
> 2) I tried rotating the oil filter foward but and only move it a few degress
>before it bumps up against the brake line for the rear brakes.
answer: I had no problems with the brake line. Possible placement from
> 3) I thought of removing the filter, rotating the adaptor foward 90 degress
>so that the filter is running foward and parrell with the ground. However I
>wasn't sure if this was a good thing to do since it would mean the filter
>would empty when the engine wasn't running.
answer: See above.
> 4) With the filter pointing down the fuel line is running along side the oil
>filter. Do I want my fuel line running along side my hot oil filter?
answer: If you position the filter forward at an angle, this won't be a
problem. Not sure how much heat is actually dispersed here?
> 5) The way I ran my Tach cable it bearly clears the fule pump. Which whole
>in the firewall do you run the tach cable through? There are two wholes above
>the brake servo unit, and I'm running the speedo and oil pressure line through
>those. Then there is a third whole on the drivers side of the tranny. That
>third whole is where I ran the Tach cable. Is this correct?
answer: There should be two holes in the fire wall above the ledge
where the wiper
motor sits (year of TR6?). These are the the holes which your speedo
(right one) and tach cable (left one) go. The oil preasure line runs
the hole below the battery shelf and comes out slightly below and to
driver's side of the blower fan.
> OK, if you have or know of any pictures that will show this area of the car
>please help me. If you have advice I'll take that too.
> Oh ya, I connected the battery for the first time since Oct 96. The starter
>turn over! I've hooked up my wiring harness correctly! Yea for ME!
If Ican be of any other help or provide a better description of above,
let me know.
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6