I am on the organizing committee for a LBC event. The
person handling the funkhana asked for suggestions on
activities. Here are some that come to mind:
Fanbelt toss. Passenger and/or driver throw fanbelts
at a traffic cone. Some of the committee members work
for Gates Rubber so we have this one covered.
Circle the cone. Driver makes a 360 degree circuit around
a cone while the passenger holds on to a string attached
to the cone. Team loses points for knocking over the cone
or falling out of the car.
Sparkplug swap. Driver parks between two tables. Driver and
passenger jump out, remove the spark plugs from a cylinder
head on the table, then run around the car and re-install
the plugs in the other head, properly torqued.
What have you seen or done in a funkhana that you thought
was fun or interesting? Please email me directly with
a copy to the list. Thanks in advance.
Dave Fain