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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:56:49 +0000
From: John Gillis <jgillis@tcd.ie>
Subject: dashboard (fascia) removal
>Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 17:18:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: Malcolm Walker <walker05@camosun.bc.ca>
>Subject: dashboard (fascia) removal
>Ok, as usual, I have run into a stumbling block.
>The Haynes Manual, in all its omnipotence, says that I must remove the
>tach and speedo before removing the dash. Can I reach the screws above
>the two instruments from below? Or are they Real Tight (tm) and thus
>require extra work?
>Reason I ask, the nice (looking) knurled nuts have managed to hold on for
>dear life. I can't budge them with my hands (but I now have extra holes
>in my thumbs-- ow) and I don't want to wreck the knurling with the
>pliers/vice grips... mostly because I can't get enough grip on them
>without installing a reverse-bending elbow on to _me_.
>The steering column came out without much trouble, but I got a lot of dust
>(from the felt) in my eyes. My advice to others-- wear glasses!
>'62 TR4
This is a problem I have come across in many of the Triumph's I
have owned, and as I get older the little knurled nuts seem to get tighter,
mmmm I wonder !!. Anyhoo, I found if you push on the instrument from the
outside in the area of the threaded stud and nut and at the same time try
undo the nut. This often works as you are introducing some slack to the
stud and that little bracket that sits over it.
John Gillis