I know this is off topic, but, it is something which I feel sure there is a
wealth of knowledge of within the list, Triumph owners are so resourceful!
My brother in law and I are organising a day of 'events' for a friend of
ours for his stag 'day'. The last one we organised involved the hapless
victim being taken for a tandem parachute jump and an aerobatics session
with an ex UK champion as well as the usual stuff - getting drunk, getting
covered in eggs and flour, being mobbed in a nightclub and then left with
no clothes - only one shoe! Strippergram etc - you get the picture. Of
course the victim knows nothing of what has been arranged for him.
We have a reputation to maintain! And have so far arranged for our next
victim to bungee jump - ground up and off the platform. He is also going
to a wild life park to have ferrets down his trousers, have tarantulas
crawl over him and to be dressed as Tarzan and left in a tigers cage,
whilst he is screaming and begging for mercy the tigers are swopped for
cubs but of course he doesnt know that, did I mention that he is also
blindfolded when he goes in?
Channel 5 TV are filming the days activities so we really need to excel!
We are desperately trying to find one more thing for him to do. Here is
where you all come in. I need more suggestions. They need to be basically
safe, but the victim may care to disagree with that at the time! The
events take place in the UK March so out door 'water based' activities may
be a bit too nippy!
If you have any suggestions please email them to me off list to save
bandwidth. If anyone is interested I will post a short list of the best
suggestions received. If anyone knows of a rec.stupid-things-to-do news
group I'd love to here about it!
I wait with baited breath! Thank you for your forebearance