My wife and son are dyslexic My son came home from school many times
crying, not understanding why he couldn't read and write like the other
kids. My wife still gets 21 when trying to add 6 + 6. She is not
capable of balancing her check book however she always knows within one
dollar how much money is in her account.
Now on to more important things like what kind of software? How about a
program that would show a graph of engine power output with different
types of carburators. Of course this would display the perfect engine.
It would be nice to see the power output of my '78 1500 spit with its
single stromburg, then change to a weber sidedraft and see what the
differences would be. I would really hate to change carbs only to find
there was really no difference. It would be nice to have an idea ahead
of time.
James wrote:
> Spell checkers are not perfect, they do not tell the difference
> between nouns and verbs. As far as a spell checker is concerned
> it is a patten of number with no context. When I use a spell checker
> I find it hard to pick the replacement word, because it is out of
> context. So I write is how it sounds, so that I you can work it
> out. I'm sorry but thats all I can do, usaly I don't have to
> do it, but at the end of a long week I'm worse.
> I don't meen to be nasty about this, I don't mind I can look after
> myself. I just remeber the hell I went through at school, and I
> so am trying to change peoples views on dyslexia so that dyslexic
> school kids will not have to go through the same as thing I did.
> Don't for get I use a UK spell checker, so to Americans my
> spelling will still be incorect. There just letters, compleatly
> seperat from the consept.
> If you can't undestand a word, e-mail me back, I'll either try
> and correct it, use a thesourus, or explian. I don't mind, just
> don't be pedantic and pick up everything, the internet can't take
> all that mail.
> --
> James Carpenter
> Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot
Rod Randle
'78 Spit FM77880U
Shoreline, WA
"I don't remember forgetting anything!"