>I'm sorry Frank but would that be grammer or grammar?
>Frankly I'm embarrassed about the bigoted behavior displayed in regard to
>spelling and grammar. I thought the idea was the exchange of ideas. You
>know nothing about James, english may not be his primary language. I
>have russian and indian programmers that work for me who probably
>couldn't spell their way out of first grade english but it makes their ideas
>less valuable. In addition most of you who have chosen to belittle James
>have made spelling mistakes of your own.
>Let's get back to subject of this list ..... LBC's
YES! I second that! Thumbs up to James. He's an enthusiast, works a lot on
his own car, and contributes a lot to this list. I'm even sure that the
majority of his spelling "mistakes" are due to the fact that he writes
very quickly and does not re-check what he wrote. Who cares? As long as we
understand what he means. The contributions are what counts.
So, where are my mistakes? I'm a foreigner and my English is certainly not
perfect. Should I exit this list? Should we have an exam for subscribing
to this list?
Vel tone, James!
Dr. Romano T. Kroemer
Phys. & Theoret. Chem. Lab.
University of Oxford
South Parks Rd. | Tel: ++44-1865-275475
Oxford OX1 3QZ | Fax: ++44-1865-275410
England, U.K. | Email: romano@bellatrix.pcl.ox.ac.uk