The "Die-hard" is a good battery except for one thing, the warrantee. After
35 month I took my "Die-hard back to Sears for a replacement and was told
that "yes I was still covered and with the prorated schedule it would only
cost me $59.95". Which I thought was kinda funny because I only paid $49.95
for the battery new. Sears knows that any battery only lasts 35-36 months.
I then proceeded to J. C. Penny's and bought a Penny's "Forever" battery.
Penny's has no prorated schedule, they thought that most people keep their
cars less then 36 months. Their warrantee is good for as long as you own
the car. I can't tell you haw many times I have had that battery replaced.
If my TR was not working the battery was in my Buick (62 Special wagon),
when the battery went dead I just took the battery back to Penny's along
with my current registration, and got a new battery with no questions
asked. I would still be using the "Forever" battery if it had not been in
"TS 16100 L" when "TS 16100 L" was stolen.
The moral to this story, shop around, make sure you know what the warrantee
offers and does not offer.
> From: Richard Bonilla <>
> To: Larry Hooven <>;
> Subject: Re: 79 spitfire battery
> Date: Sunday, December 28, 1997 5:46 AM
> i went to sears and bagged a die-hard. the 79 spit is new enough that
> in is listed in most catalogues (i've noticed). sears does have the car
> and battery listed...
> richard / colorado
> Subject: 79 spitfire battery