Dear Listers,
I have just rec'ed my new leather seat covers from TRF. I already have seat
foams to
replace the old ones.
This is a new area for me... I have never done any interior work...who's done
this job
and can you share any helpful hints? There are upolstry shops in town I could
take them to...I'll be doing the new wool carpets myself....
Some say that it's cake other say go with the professional. Does leather make
difference? Any special tools that could make my life easier?
...and BTW I'll be having my list mail forwarded home over the holidays so if
any one
gets any mail from, do not be alarmed.... I understand I
won't be able
to post to the list but some of you wonderful, helpful folks may hear from me
Christopher M.Lillja
Marketing Associate
Princeton University Press
Tel:609 258 4900
Fax:609 258 6305