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Re: SU<>

To: Mark Grafstrom <>
Subject: Re: SU<>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 14:33:53 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: Richard Jackson <RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK
>  If you could be so kind as to provide the name and number of this carb
>rebuilder I'd really like to add it to my list of Triumph contacts. Thanks,

>There is a bloke that attends alot of the shows who reconditions SU's and
>sells them real cheap, if I remember correctly a Dutch friend bought a
>pair of HS4's for �100 quid(approx $150) at the Spitfire Weekend in
>Holland this year.  that didn't include the manifold but I don't think he
>charges too much for the whole lot.  The carbs I have seen of his are very
>smart, all the bits are aqua blasted and any bare steel is plated(nickel I

>I haven't got his name or number with me, but I have it at home if anyones

OK, for the benefit of anyone who may require it, the blokes name is :-

Andrew Turner
SU & Zenith Carburetter Specialist.
(01780) 480220 (day)
(01780) 482273 (night)

Sorry, I don't have an address but I believe he lives in Stamford, England,
about 30 miles from home.



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