Schuyler writes:
> I figure that, by salvaging some old Lucas
>wiring and alternator diodes, this circuit could be replicated as a
>period-correct modification. Just use some NOS bubble gum to stick the
>diodes to the insides of the gauges in question, string your salvaged
>wire and connectors behind the dash to an internally modified voltage
>stabilizer, and you're in business! Oh, yea...a period fire
>extinguisher and a set of working gauges tucked in some inconspicuous
>location might not be a bad idea, either!
Okay Schuyler, fess up!
You were the guy poking around under my dash at the last show, now
weren't you?
Tom O'Malley
'74 Spit <that might be getting a J.C. Whitney digital dash soon>