Many thanks for the excellent article on the VTR website regarding
TR-4A/250/6 front end rebuilds. I raised the flag on this issue several
months ago on the list and was hoping that someone with experience would
write it up.
From the article I infer that, for a TR-4A, as long as the frame
brackets are sound it is sufficient to rebuild with TR-6 pivot brackets,
two bolts each bracket, backing plates (bolted, not welded) and no
additional gussets.
A couple of questions:
1. Why do you suppose the TR-4A frame brackets has two holes oriented
horizontally, rather than vertically?
2. Assuming the parts are acquired and no major complications, how many
hours would you estimate this job should require for someone with average
3. Is the job especially physically demanding; i.e., requiring great
strength or awkward, contorted body position (I've got a bad lower back)?
4. Which do you prefer, polyurethane or nylatron bushings? I have heard
that the poly bushings often have a chronic squeak.
Regarding the change in handling with the upgraded parts and the
anti-roll bar, you are absolutely right. The difference between my TR-4A
which is set up like yours and my stock TR-3A is night and day. On the
upside, cornering performance is unexcelled. On the downside, the ride is
impossibly harsh on all but the smoothest roads.
An article in a Volvo parts catalog suggests that stiff springs add the
least handling improvement and account for most of the harsh ride. So I'm
thinking of putting in regular springs. What do you think?
John Cowan