I have a few carb questions concerning my 69 TR6. I am idling pretty
and am reasonably sure its the carbs. Once the car is good and warm it
great, but likes the choke about half out until it is fully warm.
1. I note that my front carb has no gasket between the halves of the
valve assy, but my back one does. Which is correct? How does the
valve work and under what conditions is it supposed to work.
2. How do the temp compensators work? Are they to be normally open or
closed? I understand that its a bimetal strip, but when the engine is
started is the valve open or closed?
3. Is there a way to replace the body side hinge of the floats. The
assy itself is fine, but the hinge on the body of the carb has been
"abused". I would feel more confident of its free motion if I could
it, but have never seen a discussion of it, nor does it obviously appear
removable. Now on the other hand, its clearly not a part of the metal
None of my parts catalogs identify it as a separate part.
4. The guy who did some work on my engine removed all the vacuum
and plugged them save the one doing the adv/retard to the distributor.
Emissions inspections are not a concern as I am exempt. Remember this is
69 with minimal stuff anyway. Anyone else done this, and what effect
did it
Thanks for your help and assistance.
Now to drive all you snow birds nuts..... Gotta drive from Atlanta to
Ga. tomorrow, its only about 45 minutes to an hour away but, forecast is
64 Degrees and sunny. Oh boy! Gonna take the '6.
Jim Altman jaltman@altlaw.com non illegitimus carborundum