Joe Curry wrote:
> Dean Paige wrote:
> >
> > Joe,
> >
> > I think it means you respond to about 98% of all postings to the list.
> > Lot of time on your hands Joe?
> >
> Deano,
> Lately, yes... Business has been rather slow...
> But I have been watching this list rather closely for Spit owners that
> pop in occasionally. I can'y let even one slip through my grasp. The
> data has been trickling in rather slowly, but I have just gotten word
> from Jon Korbin that he's about ready to send the VTR data, so it looks
> like that'll tie me up for a while.
> As for responding to messages, I doubt it's 98%. I don't know much
> about The TR's but scan the messages just to keep up. The more I read,
> the more I'm convinced that the other Triumphs have a lot in common with
> the Spits. Wiring, Gauges, engine fproblems, fuel/carb problems, etc.
> Johnny said in his response to the color question that Spits had been
> repainted red at a rate of 99%. That was of course an exageration. I
> find that the lower 30% range seems to be true. And my response rate is
> probably in that range as well.
> I only hope that some of it is either useful, funny or in some cases
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Joe Curry '63 Spit
Joe, All of the above apply.