Joe Curry wrote:
> I was just looking through the recent volume of Moss Motoring that I
> receoved today. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, on pag3
> 20 under Technical Tips was a name I recognise.
> None other than our own Trevor Boicey (Ottawa, Canada) submitted a tip
> about fabricating a tool for removal of the oil plug on MGB's and
> Midgets.
Argh! Guilty as charged!
> Aside from the fact that you are a "Traitor" to the list
Well.... if it helps, I made the tool in question in a
friends garage while working on his TR3. Honest! I even used
his grindstone that is used to grinding good old TR3 bits into
> PS How are you gonna spend the $35.00 gift certificate, on MG parts or
> TR parts???
Unknown actually. The last couple of times I bought Moss
parts I bought them through Dick Burger. I bed that won't
work well for gift certificates. Oh well, it's a problem
I'll deal with.
Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada