Despite the fact that the Triumph workshop manual tells us to put the
sliding-spline at the rear of the car,just about every other auto-engineering
book,going back to the invention of the horseless cart,instructs us to put it
at the front of the car!
I have been using these propshafts for many years,and have found that as the
slider becomes worn,there are considerable benefits in terms of cutting down
vibration,by turning the shaft around so that the slider is indeed at the
front of the car instead of the back.
Also,I have as acquaintances,various friends in the motor trade,both
mechanics and design engineers,and they all confirm that fitting the slider
at the front of the car is best.
I have checked underneath various other expensive rear wheel drive cars and
yes,once again,the slider,(where fitted) is at the front of the car.
So it seems that the Triumph workshop manual is wrong!
(Nomex on!)
So,there you have it!
Fit it to the front.
nb.FWIW,I once had a shaft made up out of modern narrow tube instead of the
more usual old style wide tube,and there was nothing,but nothing we could
do,to get that sucker balanced. I changed back to old tube,and hey
presto,back in perfect balance.
Remember,won't you all,that a properly balanced shaft is the single most
important thing you can do to the TRansmission of any TRiumph,(except
Remember,don't lose your balance out there!