Franz and Monica Bachmann wrote:
> I would like to tap the collective wisdom of our list. The TR3 is very
> difficult to start now that the weather has turned cold. What are some
> of your suggestions. I'm afraid the starter won't last if I continue
> cranking as I have. Once it starts and warms up, it's fine. I think I
> have the choke adjustment set properly. Fuel mixture on carburetors
> must be correct because I have no smoke or stumbling upon acceleration.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Franz Bachmann
> 1960 TR3
> TS80195L
Have you checked the float level, somtimes when a car sets for a day or
two the float bowls will drain down. Try using the fuel pump lever a few
times before you attempt to start it and see what happens. In plain words
prime the carbs first then start.