To the person (people) who were asking about replacing an old glovebox,
I made one for my Spit from foamcore board, which is about the perfect
thickness and stiffness, available in a rainbow of colors, and cheap.
You can find it at any art supply shop.
I carefully unfolded what was left of my old one and traced around its
outline onto a sheet of flat black foamcore. Then, I marked and cut "V"
grooves about half way into the foamcore on the inside of each fold
line, folded up the almost finished box, and test fitted it in the car.
When everything looked good, I took the box back inside and, using epoxy
and fiberglass tape, glued up the intersecting panels and reinforced the
bottom folds. (Almost any fabric will work to reinforce the joints, but
I chose fiberglass tape because it disappears into the epoxy and I had
some lying around in my RC airplane junk box.) After a quick squirt of
matte clear, inside and out, to seal the paper facing on the foam core,
the glovebox was ready to go.
It cost all of a few dollars in materials and a couple of hours of my
time (including scaring up supplies), and it was kinda fun gluing my
fingers to whatever they happened to touch (HappyDog wasn't particularly
amused, though). Oh, yea! You might want to punch a few holes in the
bottom of your glovebox, near the back fold -- I discovered that mine
would hold water like a bucket, with no damage to the new glovebox, I
might add, but I can't say the same for the maps and CD covers that were
living there.
Schuyler E. Grace
'73 Spitfire 1500 - FM1183U
* For topical application, only. Not to be *
* ~~~~~ / taken internally or used in combination *
* {:~{p>-| with other drugs or alcohol, except as di- *
* ~~~~~ \ rected by your shaman. Do not operate heavy *
* equipment unless you really know how. *