Thanks for the info. Yeah, my ASCII art is lacking, and actually, my
nuts are as you descrbe, made for the flat washers, and squared off at
the shank to hex interface (now there's something you can talk to the
BMW crowd about... "squared shank to hex interface washers!"). Anyway,
The only other thing that I might do is to get the 7/16" wheel studs
from a TR6, I believe, and buy the larger mag nuts, that ARE available.
"You buy 16 studs, whatta ya get, another day older and deeper in
debt..." My apologys to Tenessee Ernie Ford :?)
(can you tell it's late???)
Larry Quirk wrote:
> Peter, the ones I purchased from a supplier in England are A = 13/16" and B
> = 5/8". They are not exactly as you have so carefully diagrammed. The
> transition between nut and shank on mine is squared at right angles, not
> beveled as you show in your artwork (to be used with thick flat washers on
> the wheel face. I had to use two thick washers to compensate for dimension
> A being slightly too long for my wheel thickness and sleeved the wheel
> holes with 1/2" copper pipe joint connectors (cut to length) to make up for
> dimension B. My slotted aluminums have the manufacture's name "SHELBY"
> cast into their backside. If these dimensions appear to be of interest, I
> can dig through my records and see if I can locate the suppliers
> name/address/phone.
> I remain, a man with squared nuts -----> Larry Quirk