I have a 1969 carb TR 6, which was imported from South Carolina. In the near
future the motor will need an overhaul ( very low oil pressure). By doing this,
I consider improving the motor. The question is:
What is the best motor-setup for a 1969 US-TR 6, if emission control laws and
fuel injection systems can be neglected ?
The question is not how to build a racing motor. Just what are the best
adjustments (Ignition, compressin etc) and what are the best fittings to the
motor (are SU carbs a good idea ?.. , what exhaust type is best ?, is an other
camshaft needed ? etc.) to make it as powerfull and fuelefficient as it could
for normal (fast) road use ?
I guess a 2.5 L TR 6 motor must be good for at least 130 bhp without polishing
inletports, weber conversions or other expensive tuning.
Has anyone an idea or even made good or bad experiences ?
Best regards
Gerhard Wiederholl, Germany