Justin Wagner wrote:
> Jumped in my Triumph TR 4A yesterday... and drove to Stanford... went
> out... had dinner... etc.. and drove back today... to Los Angeles.
> No problems... car ran great the whole time.
> Total Miles 750 round trip
> Average Speed... about 70 to 80 mph Occasional jumps to 100mph.
> Oil Pressure (by guage)stayed relatively firm at about 60lbs
> Temp was low... as ambiant temp was about 50 to 60
> Mileage was about 26mpg
> I'm sharing the moment to inspire others to get their cars on the
> road... and I'm sharing the stats... so others will know what to expect
> or can ponder why their stats are better or worse... :)
I covet your mileage!!!
Joe Curry '63 Spit