I'm finding it interesting to see all the discussion about roundabouts on the
What did I start?
Just thought I'd throw into the debate the other two types of roundabouts
found here
Firstly the fairly common 'mini' roundabout,no not intended specifically for
the issigonis designed austin/morris VLBC (very)...but rather that particular
item of road furniture we have over here in the UK,which is found mainly on
the smaller suburban roads,as a 'traffic calming' measure,or at intersections
of smaller roads where there simply isn't enough room for a 'proper'
Sometimes,these are just painted in white on the road surface,and have no
physical height/width.
the idea being that at busy times,(morning/evening rush 'hours') they are
treated like any other roundabout and when there is no other traffic
present,folk just drive right on over them,like there is nothing there at
Sometimes,they have a physical form and are raised slightly,or more! from the
road surface,obviously commanding more 'respect' from most drivers,except
young mothers who find it entirely neccessary to deliver their sprogs the 1/2
mile to school in their Jeep Grand Cherokee,other FWD or Ford Galaxy
etc...they ignore about everything,roundabouts,yield markings,traffic
lights,pedestrians,road signs etc...
The second,and much more scary version is the 'telephone-dial' roundabout.
(If you remember telephone dials,it helps!)
These have been installed by particularly evil minded boroughs for purposes
unknown,possibly as they are sadists,possibly to encourage drivers never to
visit their precious towns ever again.
Imagine,if you will,the usual roundabout/traffic circle whatever in the
centre of a large junction where several roads meet,and placed around that
circle,are several,between 6 and 9 'mini-roundabouts' As far as I can
determine,you join the nearest mini roundabout before proceeding onto the
centre roundabout,which you drive 'around' until traffic joining has
cleared,the rule appears to be priority to the traffic joining and priority
to the right,(the only place in the UK)...I have seen two of these
monstrosities,one in Swindon and the other,recently,in Hemel Hempstead,and
that one had traffic lights as well,totally defeating the original purpose.
What actually happens is that no-one has any idea what they are supposed to
do,they try hard but eventually after they've been on it for 40-45 minutes
trying to get off,they usually follow the example of the corporation
bus,which is to put on their headlights,depress their horn button and drive
straight on over everything!
Personally,I think they are downright dangerous and should all be removed
Unfortunately the present climate here in the UK is to make the driving
experience as thoroughly unpleasant and expensive as possible,thereby
encouraging people not to use their cars.
Ah well,we'd better all come over to the States with our Triumphs I suppose!