Joe Curry writes:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My suggestion is that if this is more than wishful thinking, There
should be at least a full year to allow for proper preparation,
sponsorship, and people to beable to plan for time off etc.
While it seems like a long time till next summer, when you are trying to
coordinate something of this magnatude, the time seems to fly by.
I don't want to rain on anybody's parade (a Seattle Expression), but I
think that a project of this caliber and magnitude deserves the time to
do it right.
One of the more important things that needs to be done is to publish the
event. That means after the dates and events are firmly nailed down,
all relevant periodicals, TV media etc have to be notified, and lobbied
to provide enough lead time for them to properly get the word out and
provide coverage. One thing you definitely want is Start to finish
coverage and documentation so that it will becone a highly publicised
event. It's one thing to make the drive (we can do that anytime) but
it's quite another to be part of an international event. And if it
becomes an international event, we will need to give people from
wlsewhere time to get here.
My Dollar ninety-five worth this time.
Joe Curry '63 Spit
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You are so right. We need lots of time to campaign the event and to get
the cars ready! I don't know about you but I was thinking 1999. I missed
the VTR in Fort Worth and am hell bent to go to Winona in 1998. Not only
that but the Austin Healy Conclave is in northern Michigan in 1998 and just
the second week following the VTR. I am toying with the idea of driving to
Winona for the week of VTR, storing the car in or near Minneapolis and
flying home for the week (cheap airfare since that is a hub for Northwest),
and flying back for the Healy event. I can think of better places to spend
July and August than in the north.
But if someone else wants to take this bull by the horns and sets a
different date then so be it.
"There comes a time in every man's life to take the bull by the tail and
face the situation" W. C. Fields
Dave Massey, St. Louis, MO USA
P.S. There is a group trying to build up interest in a tour of England and
the continent. Cost: $12,000 US including shipping the cars across the
pond. Ouch!