Many VW/Porsche/Audi derivatives used Girling calipers.
79 Spit
(Had several VW's in my past)
On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, David Massey wrote:
> I just had a CV joint replaced on my Audi and when I got the car back there
> was a scraping sound comming from the left front wheel. Being Saturday I
> thought I would troubleshoot it myself. (You can tell I've been busy when I
> hire repair work done.) Turns out it was the metal shield was bent. Bent
> it back. No problem.
> But what to my wandering eyes should appear but cast into the brake caliper
> the letters:
> G I R L I N G ! Yep. That's right! No wonder the car's brakes are so
> good.
> Now if I can only figure out what happened to the 6th cylinder.
> Dave (Boy aren't these car companies incestuous) Massey