Justin Wagner wrote:
> > Justin,
> > Here's my take on your take on my take.
> >
> > (My but this is getting confusing)
> >
> > 1. Why spend lots more money on glass when if you reuse them the sharp
> > corners of the broken glass bits are going to pit just as much as the
> > cheap sand it replaces?
> >
> > 2. I'm certainly no Meralurgic engineer, but If you use a moderately
> > fine grit of sand, the resulting pitting is minimal and far from causing
> > stress fractures. And I point out people have been using sand as a
> > blasting media on frames for years and that's the first time I have
> > heard that one.
> >
> > 3. Sand is a natural element whereas beads are not. You can do the
> > blasting outdoors and not worry about where the overspray goes. Just
> > filter the goo out and throw the residue on the back 40. Can't do that
> > with beads. (Please no EMAIL from environmentalists)
> >
> > 4. Are you sure you are not my son, whose name is Justin and who lives
> > in West LA?? He likes to argue a point (does not matter which side you
> > choose, he'll take the opposite perspective) just for the sake of
> > argueing. Whats more, he won't stop making points until his opponent
> > gives up and lets him have the last word. If you are, go to bed!!!
> >
> > Joe Curry
> Sorry Joe, I just WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with you, and find your
> arguments for 800lbs of sandblasting as confounded as you find mine.
> This is the second time, I believe, that you've commented that you
> suspect I could be your son that plays "devil's advocate".
> Sometimes people do, indeed, play devil's advocate...and it can be
> annoying... but, it's only fair to point it out... that other times...
> someone just simply disagrees with you... and you might consider, when
> you find yourself re-debating your original arguments and accussing the
> other of having an agenda other than an educational open debate ...that
> perhaps, this time around... you might be acting a bit like you've been
> cornered...
> Also, take a second look at your craftily written accusation in number
> 4... worded in such a way that makes it so that if i were to continue,
> with any response,... it's only because I MUST be a bent individual that
> must have the LAST word.
> I made light of your opinion... and made mine. You might leave it to
> others to take sides, add their own insights... and so on... rather than
> take offense... and turn it into a flaming contention.
> Justin
> AS this is mine, may your last word be...
It's a joke!!!!! And I really do have a son named Justin who is down
there in LALA land.
And you're corredt that wording was intentional!!!!