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Re: Which side?

To: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>, "Joe Curry" <>
Subject: Re: Which side?
From: Cameron Greig <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 97 13:39:51 +0100
Cc: "Dan McNamara" <>, "Triumph list" <TRIUMPHS@Autox.Team.Net>

Johnny you wrote,

>We (hopefully) aren't going to throw away thousands of years of history
>away on a whim. I'd rather have a monarch than a B rate actor, peanut
>farmer or whatever other shysters can become the alternative!!  
> The U.S has lax gun laws and a high murder rate, do you recommend us
>conforming to that as well?

This is getting silly!!!!!!

                          Cameron (Scotland) at present part of the U.K. 

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