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Re: Unleaded fuel

To: Jeff Slaton <>
Subject: Re: Unleaded fuel
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 19:49:47 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Jeff Slaton wrote:
> Hay Gang,
> I am the proud owner of an early 1974 TR6 (the 24th car produced in
> August of 1974) and I have a serious concern.  I drive the car daily and
> am wondering if I should put any lead additives in my fuel when I fuel
> up??????
> Thanks so much...
> Jeff Slaton
> Murray Kentucky,
> CF12425
> HAN8
> BN1


Since Unleaded fuel came into being in 1975, I assume your TR is made
for the good old leaded variety.  If the head has been reworked in the
past 20 years, it might have been upgraded to run on unleaded.  Barring
that, you can add fuel additive or have the head reworked to include
hardened seats and valves.  Then you can just pull up and fill up.  Lead
is a lubricating agent and if your engine was built to run on leaded
gas, it can be damaged if you don't have lead in the fuel.

Joe Curry   '63 Spit  (and still sans doors)

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