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Re: Spitfire Misfire?

To: Andrew Lindeman <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire Misfire?
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 22:03:19 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Andrew Lindeman wrote:
> I am the proud owner of a 1970 Triumph Spitfire (For 31 hours now).  It
> is upon close inspection a very unique little Spitfire.  This was the
> last year of the round tail Spitfire, and a very unque year in it's own
> right.  The car has decent original paint, has never been involved in an
> accident, no cracks in the dash, and a very clean interior.  It also
> came with a black vinyl hardtop from Custom Tops of Chicago.  What makes
> me scratch my head most about the car is the badges.  Obviously from the
> shape of the body it is a Mark III, but the badge on the bonnet says
> SPITFIRE IV.  The boot badge say TRIUMPH, with nothing else noted.  It
> also has a badge on either side or the rear quater-panels, which on not
> in good enough repair to be legible.  Everything that I've read to date
> has indicated that the bonnet should be mark Spitfire Mk3 on the front
> left.  The Boot should have the standard cursive marking instead on the
> block letters on mine.  And the quater panels should have the Spitfire
> bulls-eye symbols, which they are definiatly not.  Has anyone else out
> there had any experience with this unique year?
> Andy L.

While it may be a rather unique factory built vehicle, It is more likely
the dpo got rather creative with the vehicle's Markings.  Some earlier,
some later.

Joe Curry  '63 Spit

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