Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I just got through installing
rings this weekend and the Bentley manual's specs. are .012-.017 for the
top compression ring and .008-.013 for the 2nd ring. Oil control rings
should be .015-.055 and of course the expander ring should butt.
I'm not experienced or knowledgeable enough say you're in trouble, but
I'd be concerned.
Best of luck,
Jim Davis
Fortson, GA
'75 TR6 CF38690UO
'75 TR6 CF37325U
On Mon, 20 Oct 97 7:46:50 -0400 DUHART JOHN <> writes:
>Hey All,
> I was putting the pistons in the engine of the TR6 this
>weekend, and I'm
>a bit concerned about the ring gap. I pushed the rings 3 inches down
>cylinder, and then gapped them to .020 inch. Is this correct? It is
>what was written in the Haynes manual. I just want to double check
>the list. Its my first engine rebuild and I'm worried, cautious.