On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, lewis mckillop wrote:
> hello all,
> I recently purchased a 67 spit. It has an oil cooler on it. I was
> going to put the oil cooler on my 63. Where the oil filter usually goes
> is a finned, aluminum cylender. What the heck is it? If i want to
> replace my oil filter do i have to buy this whole cyclender? If i do
> where can i get them and how much ?
It sounds to me like your 'finned aluminum cylinder' is the oil filter!
On early cars (pre '68...?) the filter is not a spin-on type, but is a
paper element that goes inside a canister. Nowadays we use the kind that
have the canister (and gasket) built in.
You only have to change the paper element and the gasket. Your shop
manual should describe how, better than I can :-)
If you don't have a shop manual, GET ONE. Or at least the glovebox
If you know all this already, please ignore me :-) :-)
Methinks your '67 spit has a spin-on filter adapter and the '63 doesn't.
'62 TR4, old type filter (messy :( )