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12.41.05 step 12

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: 12.41.05 step 12
From: Kristina Turner <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 08:22:50 +0200
BL manual, section 12.41.05 step 12. Lift off cylinder head. As if.

Thanks listers for help getting my TR6 engine on to a stand.

Now for getting the head off. I've gone round with a mallet  and I've
tried using a couple of old chisels to have a go at the gasket. The old
chisels got even older. I didn't get anywhere.

I've now left the engine upside down overnight, hopefully getting an
assist from gravity.

Anything else I might try?

Adam Turner
'74 TR6

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