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FW: Re: TR6 fiberglass hardtops

To: triumphs
Subject: FW: Re: TR6 fiberglass hardtops
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 15:43:50 -0600 (MDT)
[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:    Non-member submission from [Peter Mchugh 
<"/c=US/admd=ATTMAIL/prmd=gov+dot/o=FAA/ou=FAAgw/dd.ccMail=Peter Mchugh 'at' 

     Date: 01 Oct 1997 12:00:31 -0400
     From: Peter Mchugh 
<"/c=US/admd=ATTMAIL/prmd=gov+dot/o=FAA/ou=FAAgw/dd.ccMail=Peter Mchugh 'at' 
     Subject: Re: TR6 fiberglass hardtops

     [Why am I not surprised that such an ungodly email address ends in .gov?
       mjb.  ]

If these tops are in reasonable condition, they are a good alternative
to the factory top.  I've had one of the fiberglass tops for a number
of years...paid $150 for vinyl outside and white fiberglass
interior.  These tops are lighter, and easier to handle and install
(single person effort) than the factory tops.  They will also take
greater abuse, as my son demonstrated when he ignored my warning that
the top wasn't bolted to the car and lost it at about 45 mph on the
four lane down the street...the top flew a hundred yards, landed
inverted and slid down the road a piece coming to rest in a huge
bush...only a few scuff marks... no significant damage to glass etc
and the scuffs were easily repaired!

I have two of the factory tops as well...paid $400.00 each.  One has
just had the headliner replaced ($175.00), needed all rubber seals
replaced (aprox $225.00) and is a trick to install and store even with
two folks.

Someone should, like a Junebug, leap on those tops!!!!!


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: TR6 fiberglass hardtops
Author: at Internet
Date:    9/25/97 12:56 AM

Hi all!

Just wanted to let you know -- British Auto in Fort Worth, Texas has
three fiberglass hardtops for TR6's for sale.  They are cleaning out the
shop to make room for more Jags and stuff, and need the space!  I looked
at them quickly -- one seems real good and the other two are a little
less than perfect (but not bad at all!) and they all have glass, etc. One
is gloss finish and the other two are vinyl-grain finish.  They are all
three black.  British Auto wants $100 per top to get them out of there,
and their number is (800)TR-MG-JAG.  Ask for Jeff and tell him I sent you
(building up brownie points...:).  I have no interest, get no commission,

Hope this does someone some good!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley   %)

P.S.  Sorry to MJB for trying to post the photo of the race Spit to the
list -- didn't realize it was a problem!  If anyone wants it, let me
know and I'll send it individually.  :)

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