Hello everyone:
I've got a sure fire way to get everyone's mind off of all the $18,000 TR4 crap
that's gone back and forth lately. And it involves Miatas! How's that for
going from the sublime to the ridiculous? Actually my post involves a quick
review of yesterday's Westminster car show held at the MG museum in Westminster
Being "locals" my wife and I motored Trevor away from the house before 7 a.m.
for the 125 mile trip with friends in their MGA. The thermometer barely read
40 so the top stayed up for most of the ride. Only most though. I couldn't
fathom driving onto the field with it still up. It came down by 9. Still not
50. Brrrrrrr.
Approximately 150 British cars of all marques were in attendance under glorious
autumn skies. This has been on of the best years in memory for weather during
our famous foliage season. And one of the best for color too! A very good
crowd was on hand as along with foliage and Columbus Day, it's also Canadian
Thanksgiving weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, eh? A quick poll of
license plates indicated that most people traveled from within New England but
there also was a good number of visitors from Quebec, New York and New Jersey
also. Along with a great assortment of classic British autos there was a live
swing band for entertainment, plenty of vendors to take your money, a car
corral to take even more if you were so inclined, and a car museum (great old
and rare MGs) for a pleasant diversion from talking Triumphs. Anyway, back to
the show.
The sun was out and it warmed up into the 60s. The cars are assigned to
classes according to year but most marques found a way to park next to each
other within class. There were approximately 20 TR6s in attendance,
highlighted by a very impressive turnout from the New England Triumph Club.
They usually make a complete weekend out of the proceedings. I spotted a few
SOL signs on the windshields also. The best part of the show was that Triumphs
made a very good showing when the awards were handed out. TR6s took a first and
third in class, a TR250 was second in class, and a TR3 fist in class.
Especially worth noting was this was a people's choice balloting process and
most of the folks in attendance were partial to MGs! Congratulations all to
the winners.
With the top down, the ride home included a little antiquing and a spirited
tour through the mountains. Trevor was running great and seemed to sense that
the season is drawing to a close. He couldn't run slow. The last hour was
spent "racing in the dark" and we were home by 9. The end to a perfect day.
And now, as previously noted, the following is to get our minds off of other
worthless strings by substituting this dead horse of a worthless string.
When I was basking in the warm sun, in middle of all that great British iron,
talking car talk with friends old and new, feeling that all was indeed right
with the world what should appear rolling through the grass? A parade of 7,
count them 7 Miatas in a row. They were members of the Massachusetts Miata
Club and even had door decals on the side of the cars to prove it. I guess
they just couldn't resist the urge to drop in and see what all the excitement
over true automobiles was all about. I shook my head, I cringed, I felt pity.
They were directed to park in the back behind the barn. I laughed. All was
indeed right with the world.
Joe Merone