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Re: Charlie Brown: Bf 109 (No LBC Content)<Pine.SOL.3.90.971013124415.84

To: "Johnny Storm: International racing car driver" <>
Subject: Re: Charlie Brown: Bf 109 (No LBC Content)<Pine.SOL.3.90.971013124415.8430A-100000@publix>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 14:13:51 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK
References: <>
>On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, David Lee wrote:

>> It may be a while before you have the chance to read this. Commiserations
>> Charlie, that was a beautiful and historic plane. She will be missed by
>> enthusiasts everywhere.

>Is this in reference to the 109 that failed on landing?
>If so respect goes out to the pilot and his miraculous luck, that plane
>was toast! get well soon, Johnny

Which one was that, was it here or in the US????


Hope it wasn't the one I saw last week at Duxford!!!

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  • Re: Charlie Brown: Bf 109 (No LBC Content)<Pine.SOL.3.90.971013124415.8430A-100000@publix>, RICHARD.JACKSON <=